Friday, October 8, 2010

You have IT...then you lost IT and try to get IT back!!!

Like ding dongs to a Hostess addict.......or dog hair to my ultra suede couch....some things just need each other......some things just stick together.....kind of like IT when you find IT.....

What is IT, you ask?

IT is that drive, commitment, unyielding and unwielding power of powers that you somehow mysteriously FIND and while it remains with you, you are invincible......

-You can fight off chips and ice cream with an easy NO WAY
-You can work through 5 workouts a week with no resistance from the "non exercising other personality in your person"
-You can stay dedicated and on the right track without someone watching your plate for you and asking "do you REALLY want that?"
-You can get on the scale each day, week or month knowing that the number is going down, down, down (without having to say a novena before you get on!)
-You can pass up those "stashes" of danger you have lurking in your the freezer or in the diningroom hutch, without batting an eye..
-You live it, breathe it and LOVE it, WHY!? Because you feel so dang good!!!


Then as quickly and powerfully as it came, it disappears with a flash of an barely remember what IT looked like, sounded like or felt like.....

-The sugar devils start hounding you and filling your thoughts with all kinds of dangerous sugar know what they are
-The exercise fairy is beaten up by the many couch potatoes that lure you to the tube with the remote in hand and put you in a "clicker frenzy" while you sit there instead of heading to the gym
-The waffle top comes back and wraps around your middle so as you sit and type you can feel it falling over onto the rim of your pants, what a lovely feeling that is.....
-You keep looking for IT over and over and can hardly remember what IT looked like, felt like or sounded like....

Do you know what I mean!?!?!

Well, there is 1 more stage to IT and that is.....

I found IT, I lost IT, I found IT, I lost IT, the kind of hide and seek IT mania, I call it.....

-You wake up in the morning, raring to go....only to be taken under by the kind looking, but sneaky pumpkin bread on the counter, calling your name
-You recover from the p bread and just say no to anything for the next few hours and head out for some running
-You try to run, you really do, but you find yourself about 1 tank short of oxygen, so you huff and puff as best you can, even though you really are thinking about the couch potatoes again, but you keep on moving....and feel good when the sweat starts dripping....
-You come home with good intentions as you dig out the fish and veggies for dinner
-You hear the ice cream calling and you justify it because you did some huffing and puffing and also had fish for dinner
-You plan a weekend full of exercise...

Ah yes, the found IT, lost IT still know what IT is, you still see IT and you definitely don't want to lose IT....but yet there are those times IT slips away.....

So back in January, I started this LAT (Lose a Ton) challenge and managed to drop 30 pounds....
I don't want those pounds back, although I know a few have creeped back on.....I'm fighting it and don't want to lose and don't intend to! I just need to get IT totally back under control. Thank goodness I haven't lost IT totally. I just periodically lose IT and have to find my way back home.

So where do I go from here? It is all up to ME! I am the fool making the decisions, good or bad. I may be blaming this on my imaginary IT figure.....and what a powerful imaginary figure IT is - ha, but the reality is that IT is all in my own brain!!! Mind over matter....we have talked about this when my brain had to tell my feet to keep was totally up to my brain, not my feet, but I had to realize that too. Just like I have to realize IT now....IT is in my own mind, and up to me to keep IT going!!!

So just for today and for this weekend, I am going to have a long talk with my old friend, IT. What have I got to lose, besides hopefully a few more pounds!!!

Hope you have IT under control!!! Enjoy your weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh...well said. IT, yes IT, Darn IT! The IT YoYo! May you find IT, have IT, and Keep IT from here on out (and may you share IT w me:). I read someone's post the other day...and I changed it a little to fit my needs: nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels! A mantra for when I'm at the chow hall with a tray in hand, and unlimited food choices in front of me. Thanks for the encouragement, M!!!
