Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 30 - The "IT" factor................

Let's catch up a bit.....we last talked on Tuesday night, only to find out on Wednesday that I had made it through weigh in number 2 :) YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But 2 great teammates (Diane and Katie on my team and Taira and Lyn on the other team) were up for elimination..... Now I understand more why "weigh in day" was always so hard for the folks on the Biggest Loser, it is PAINFUL!

Diane and Taira made it through the elimination....congrats to those 2 awesome ladies...and to Katie (adorable!) and Lyn (very sweet!) - keep on trucking at home!!! The idea is to remember this is a journey, not a RACE, we just need to keep on moving towards the goal.....1 day at a time.
I'm so happy that ALL of us go back on the show the end of April, as I know that will keep all of us ON TRACK.....whether still on "film" or at "home"....

Speaking of "on track", that brings me to my "IT" factor discussion.....

Think back to that time when you were really working out (hopefully you are NOW, but think back to the last time also......), eating right and either at a good weight or moving towards a good weight......remember IT? remember the way you felt?

I can remember years ago when I had my brand new size 10 demin pin stripe jeans on(OK, QUIT LAUGHING, I TOLD YOU IT WAS YEARS AGO!!!), standing in my kitchen, feeling GREAT, as the jeans weren't even tight! I had lost weight and was finally feeling good about how I looked.....I had IT, I was committed and going strong...............

I remember another time...a few years ago on Weight Watchers at work, when I lost 30 pounds, I had IT, I was committed and going strong.....I felt like I could convince ANYONE that a SALAD was tastier than any donut or candy bar going....

Those moments of "IT" - are changing...motivating........amazing.....but they COME and GO......... HOW do they get here....WHY do they leave....HOW do you get them BACK?!?

I was talking with my friend Connie at work yesterday. She told me that when she used to train gymnasts, they always got that natural "high" right before they did their gymnastics....Connie had them press their fingers together at the same time they were experiencing their "high" in hopes that the "fingers pressed together" would remind them of the "high" long after their routine was over....

INTERESTING, I thought....I have been trying to figure out how to CAPTURE the "IT" for a long time.......So I started pressing my fingers together shortly after she told me that story...
Kind of like "Pavlov's dogs" she said.....dang, did she have to compare it to the running dogs....

But seriously, I am going to keep pressing my fingers together - at the gym - on the eliptical when I get that energy to go another 20 minutes....after my workout with the trainer when I'm feeling victorious.....after a healthy dinner, especially when others around me are chowing down on something I'm passing up.....PRESS THOSE FINGERS TOGETHER AND FEEL THE VICTORY.....

I have IT right now....granted the dang TV camera on me every week has a way of keeping the IT factor going....but when the camera is gone and the trainer is gone and it is ME....on my OWN....I want to make sure I still have IT going......

What's your secret for IT? How do you keep IT going? If you lost IT, how are you going to get IT back?

Just start TODAY, just start with something simple....maybe just drinking 8 glasses a water daily for the first week....then dropping the soda out.....adding daily salads in.....daily walks in....or just 5 extra runs up and down the steps at work or at all adds up to become IT!
"IT" is totally within your own power, your own control, your own DECISION!

So, start capturing those IT moments today, press that middle finger to your thumb.....feel the victory....I'm going to in hopes that months from now, I can still feel the victory just by that simple act of "IT"!

For today, find an IT moment to celebrate, make an IT moment for yourself - you are the only barrier here......Have a great weekend!


  1. IT factor; when I'm done at the gym, swam some laps, cooked in the jacuzzi and then detoxed in the sauna or steam, my body feels clean, strong and capable of anything. It feels like it's "home". It's the way we're always supposed to feel; that lovely relaxed, contentment that nothing else can match. I love you and your journey. Welcome "home".

  2. WOW, love the way you explained that Michael!
